Hunger of the Pine
Pine & Rosemary infused oil, Kaolin Clay, Lemon, Rosemary, Pine, Cedarwood essential oils
This soap could be used on body or hair.
Aside from paying homage to one of my favorite bands, I wanted a crisp, masculine scent to pair with the pine. Pine recharges you because it elevates mood as it's an antidepressant and increases your alertness by clearing your mind.
In one Japanese study, walking through a pine forest reduced stress, "forest medicine" as trees release antimicrobial essential oils (phytoncides) that protect them from germs and have a host of health benefits for people.
The essential oils used are full of anti-inflammatory properties, vitamin C & Rosemary in particular has so many benefits for your skin & hair (astringent, balances oils & tone, protects skin health).